MIOSHA Training Institute (MTI) Scholarship Application
Scholarships provide an added opportunity to attend MTI seminars at a reduced rate. Scholarships provided by MIOSHA cover up to 50% of the regular seminar fee.
The scholarship applies to all MTI seminars, except pilot seminars. There is no limit to the number of seminars for which an individual can apply.
- Use one application per seminar.
- Submit application no more than three months prior to the start date of a selected seminar.
- Submit application no later than three weeks prior to the seminar start date.
If you are interested in applying for a scholarship, click "Apply" to the left of the seminar you are interested in below. Then fill out the form on the next page. If you have any questions, you can contact the MIOSHA Consultation Education and Training (CET) Division at (517) 284-7720.
Seminar details and schedule can be found at www.michigan.gov/mioshatraining